The following is a message and my responses to a PM I received from this person in regards to a movie I reviewed with a high score that took the title "Super Mario Brother's Z Ep9", from the series by Alvin Earthworm
At 8/5/07 9:43 AM, gameguy3424 wrote:
Hmmmmm I thought people with ur status would be able to tell a good flash from bad but I guess can u say a movie with a STOLEN title is "superior"????????
At 8/5/07 8:05 PM, Sir-CannabisClock wrote:
sprite movies are talentless bullshit, regardless of how well it is done. I support the author merely because he mocks the original. If you want to talk about stolen, how about copyrighted nintendo characters and dragon ball Z ploys.
At 8/5/07 9:43 AM, gameguy3424 wrote:
Except they actually put where they got them from and whose they are.
At 8/5/07 8:05 PM, Sir-CannabisClock wrote:
Don't you get it? Its morals, not laws. Any talentless individual can put already existing characters and merely dance them around to Dragon Ball Z. Thats what no one sees about sprite movies. No individual anywhere should shed any spotlight on such an unoriginal idea, especially since thats light taken away from people who actually take the time to make real movies, with a plot that isn't stolen, and characters that don't already exist.